Hi! Welcome to Heavens Angels and Paso fino. I had no real direction when I started these pages eons ago, it was fun and something I wanted to do. In the past few years I have filled these pages with family photos, brag pages, a few inspirational & spiritual poems, my Prayer Page, information on Paso Fino's and general horse care and my digital art as well as a few photo pages for my familys racing team.

So if you're interested in reading about other peoples families, horses and digital art you've defiently came to the right place! So pull up a chair, make yourself comfortable and visit for awhile!!

Oh, don't forget to stop in and sign our guestbook so we'll know you've been here!

Angel Huggs!!!


I am in the process of redoing my site so several of the pages will not have photos or graphics. On a site this big it's a huge undertaking but I'm working on it and hope to have it all back up soon.

~~My Links~~

Angi's Prayer Request & Medical Pg

For My Love

For Noela

Noela 1

Hi From Noela!

Our Little Angel

Noela's Limo Ride

Introducing Buckito

Buckito Pics

More of Buckito

A Trusting Moment & 1st Show

My Past Horses



Figure your Budget

My Paso Fino Links

My Horse Information Links

Winter Wonderland 2003

These are my own poems.

~My Friend~


~~My Photo Impact Gallery~~

I have this terrific software program, Ulead Photo Impact. I joined a Yahoogroups email list to learn how to use it and they offer 50 tutorials and then you go on to a more advanced group. I've decided to "showcase" my work on my site:o) So if your interested in seeing my work follow the link above.

~~My hubby, father in law and brother in law now have a stock car. This is the first year they'll actually be racing and I've started them a couple photo pages to show off there "baby":o) I'd like to introduce you to Lafferty Racing!!~~

Lafferty Racing page 1

Lafferty Racing page 2

Noel & Noela in the Racecar:o)

~~Other Paso Fino Links~~


The Barn(Paso Tack & other info.)

Paso World

Paso Beat

Paso Fino table of contents

Paso Fino Home Page

Southern Comfort Farm


This first page is for my best friend and Sister In Spirit, Maria. She wrote 2 wonderful poems and as a gift I made her this page to display them. Enjoy!

~For Maria~

The following are poems I've found or have been sent while online and have a significant meanting to me. I've credited the author when I knew them. For those with author unknown, if anyone knows who wrote it please email and let me know. Not all of these pages are completed, but the poems are there just with no backs or pics. Please have patience! Thank you.


Before I Go

All Great Things Improve With Time

Let It GO

Natural Highs

Never Judge A Book By It's Cover

The Power of Choice

The Power of One

The Price of a Miracle

Quotes To Live By

The Redwagon


The Second 10 Commandments


Todays Joy Was Born of Yesterdays Sorrow

It's In the Valley I Grow

Without the Rain

Unexplored Love

True Friends

The Keeper

~~A few of my Fav. pages~~

Michael's Pennies from Heaven

Little Natalie Rickert

Blind Equines

Lisa's home page

Quarter Moon Ranch

Lana's homepage

Fancy's funny story


SaddleRight Inc Orthopedic Competition Saddle Pads

Chibi Creations

Lady Oh's graphics***

Email Me

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