A Streaching Exercise

Use this exercise 2 - 3 times a week. It is a good flexing and suppleness exercise.

1) Halter your horse and square him up. Stand to the side and display a carrot or other treat. Draw it back to hip point. Do not let his feet move, but let him reach his head around and take a bite. Do this on each side.

2) From one side, display carrot and draw it down the outside of the front leg ad stop about 6" behind the pastern on the ground. Let the horse bite the carrot without oveing up or bending legs. Do this on each side.

3) From the same position draw the carrot donw front legs and end up with carrot between each front leg and about 6" behind his pastern. No knee bending or walking back. let get a bite.

4) Step out in front and face the horse at the end of lead rope. Present the carrot to horse again only this time slowly draw the carrot to yourself. The horse should extend it's neck toward you without moving it's body and walking forward. Resist if the horse moves when doing this execrcise.


Although longeing is generally thought of as a means to either train a young horse or warm up an experienced horse before a ride, the benefits of and uses for longeing are so varied that it should be a part of the training and exercise program of all horses.

Benefits of Longeing:

~Helps teach voice commands

~Helps make the transition from groundwork to mounted work easier on the horse(and yourself!)

~Helps form the "bond" between you and your horse

~Get's your horse familiar with tack when the time comes

~Introduces movement principles - balance, rhythm, vertical and lateral flexion, gait extension and collection without interference from a rider

~Can help correct certain bad habits such as impure gaits, head tossing, or spooking

~Allows the horse to develop physically – left/right balance, suppleness, strength of back and loin, tendon and ligament durability without the weight of a rider

~Can help in rehabilitation after injury or "time off" for various reasons by giving your horse more exercise than with hand walking yet is safer than turnout

~Is good for warm-up and cool-down for any riding horse

~Allows the trainer to observe the horse while the horse is moving which provides a chance to assess ability, soundness, quality of movement, gait purity, way of going, way of approaching obstacles etc.

~Can be used as a way to give your horse exercise when you're not able to ride for whatever reason

~Provides an exercise alternative for indoor work when the outside footing is too treacherous for riding

~Provides an exercise alternative for use in unfenced areas such as on show grounds

~Can be used for rider longe lessons and self-longe lessons

~Can be used to introduce cavalletti work and jumping

~Can be used to introduce and hone obstacle work